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Test Insights

Increase your quality awareness now with Test Insights for Confluence cloud, you can create insightful Xray Test Management reports on Confluence.

Generate reports from Xray Test Management data, overview testing activities, and effortlessly share testing progress with Confluence users.

Testing & Quality awareness in Confluence

This app offers macros that lets you add live testing and quality insights from Xray Test Management directly into pages or blog posts in Confluence, making it easy to share with your team, stakeholders, and others involved in the project.

Traceability Macro

Analyze the coverage of requirements from its origin through tests, test runs and defects. It facilitates analysis of the overall requirements coverage status.

Test Coverage Macro

Have an informed go/no-go decision, by ensuring that all your deliverables have been properly tested using the Test Coverage macro. It provides an overview of requirement coverage, allowing your team to easily assess if some items are not yet ready due to failed tests or even if there are some testing gaps that need to be addressed.

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